September 23, 2018

Award of Saint Alfred - September 2018

The Award of Saint Alfred is an award given by the Baron and Baroness of Cleftlands to individuals who have given service to the Barony.
  • Source: Catalog of Illuminated Manuscripts, British Library 
  • Title: Passionale (Lives of the Saints), Imperfect 
  • Origin: England, S.E. Canterbury 
  • Date: 1st Half of the 12th Century
The Award of Saint Alfred was created on pergamenata with Windsor-Newton gouache and Speedball calligraphy ink. The text reads as follows:
Let it be known unto all that we, Crispin and Gianna, Baron and Baroness of Cleftlands do here wish to recognize and commend our subject Lassarina O’Malley, most specifically lauding her service as gate steward at events. As such, we are minded to grant her the Award of Saint Alfred. Done this 22nd day of September, AS 53 at Standard Bearers Baronial Championships. 
Finished work.
Inspiration piece.

Award of the Azure Trident - September 2018

The Award of the Azure Trident is an award established and given by the Baron and Baroness of Cleftlands to individuals who have excelled in the arts martial in relation to the Barony.
  • Direct Link: Catalog of Illuminated Manuscripts
  • Title: Queen Mary Psalter, Royal 2 B VII   f. 137v
  • Origin: : England (London/Westminster), between 1310-1320.
The Award of the Azure Trident was created on pergamenata with Windsor-Newton gouache and Speedball calligraphy ink. The text reads as follows:
Like the three barbs of Poseidon's mighty trident, our martial forces are made victorious by those who field rattan, rapier, or bow and who excel at displaying their passions for the arts martial in defense of their barony and their kingdom. Know by these words that Crispin and Gianna, Baron and Baroness of Cleftlands, do hereby recognize and bestow unto Muldonny McVriw the Award of the Azure Trident of the Cleftlands. We grant him the right to bear the badge: Fieldless, a trident azure within and conjoined to an annulet argent estencelly gules. Done by our hands this 22nd day of September, AS 53 at our Standard Bearers Baronial Championship. 
Finished work.
Inspiration piece.

August 15, 2018

Pennsic War 47 Classes I Took

One of my goals each Pennsic season is to take as many classes as I can during Peace Week as War Week is peppered with baronial and kingdom obligations. What I've noticed in documenting my interests is that I tend to lean in one general direction with my studies, this year being pro scientia atque sapientia. Without further ado...

  1. Jewelry Demonstration: Etching Copper Alloys - The class was primarily a lecture with examples of the teachers work. She went through the different materials used, focusing on different printer friendly resists for transferring your image to the metals. Teacher was knowledgeable in her art and inspirational to give it a go for our own medals and awards.
  2. History of Fabric Embellishments with Examples - The class was taught by the owner of the infamous adult ball (silk sari) pile and she used thought provoking examples throughout the class. I would recommend this overview for anyone interested in costuming. I think the most A HA moment was the connection between early period embellishment, using what you have available to you (your hand) and how when balled looks like... a paisley! Insert mind blown graphic here.
  3. Hand Sewing 101 - I attended this class to see if I could learn any tips or tricks of the trade, but was shortly called out for being a ringer. (Oops.) The women teaching the class were subbing in for a friend who was unable to attend. Overall, educational for the novice hand sewer. The tip I took from it was to stop actually knotting my thread and using a different method to secure the ends. Will I do it? Probably when I remember I should be better.
  4. The Rule - I've taken a few classes with this instructor and they're always incredibly educational, but not for the average student looking for a lighthearted class. This is definitely more like a college lecture. I was furiously taking notes, then realized I should probably just listen and enjoy it because there wasn't a test. Old habits die hard. The focus was on St. Benedict's rules regarding human weaknesses and strengths and how they've carried forward into society after 1500 years. Go out of your way to take these classes. They're enlightening.
  5. Roman Round Table - The Roman round table was full of passionate and inspirational people. I can hardly wait to fall into this exceptional rabbit hole of awesome... (Certainly food for thought on another post somewhere down the line.)
  6. Are You Wearing A Tablecloth? - I have taken this class before, but I wanted to confirm my theories about construction. I've waxed poetic about this before, but the more complex a pattern, the easier it is for me to work on. When things are relatively straightforward and simple, my brain cannot process and therefore I overthink things. If you haven't taken any of these before, I highly recommend them. :) It helped to cement many of the opening ceremonies garb choices for Cleftlands. There is also a make-and-take class she hosts, but I figured it would be cheating to finish up my hems when I'd already done the side seams at home on a machine.
  7. Gildas, Cranky Old Romans, and No British Dark Age - A whimsical lecture (in which I did take notes) regarding Roman society still thriving in Britain during in and around 550 AD. It was enlightening in the realization that the societal influences were basically everywhere and is such a broad time period, that you can really play with the idea of being a Roman in the wilds of the isles, or Africa, or... pretty much anywhere. #inspiring
  8. Roses, Part 1: Then and Now - A more standard lecture regarding different types of roses bred and grown in the SCA time period with examples, pictures, and roses. The teacher is a rose aficionado out of North Carolina who participates in horticulture. Good class, but I missed Roses, Part 2.

    In which our heroine discovers she has had this in her Drafts folder for over a year, so just stops reviewing the classes and posts their class descriptions.

  9. Norse and Rus Women's Head Coverings - Explore possible hair knots, braids, wraps and coverings derived from extant images of Scandinavian Norse (Viking) and Rus/Slavic tribal women. Bring a scarf or a long piece of material to learn how to wrap your hair. (This class will not cover the British Isles caps or Western Scandinavia.)
  10. Norse, Varangian & Rus: What is the difference? - There is a huge interest in Norse, Rus, Varangian and Slavic culture right now and I would like to show the differences between these distinct cultures and the occupation that was "Varangian". We will discuss the differences specifically in clothing and accessories for men and women of these different cultures and time periods. Lecture and demonstration class.
  11. Keep Thee from the Nunnery (or Worse!) - Learn the traits to cultivate to make yourself the epitome of marriageable Italian womanhood. There is only so much dowry money to go around, and, if you've got sisters, you are likely to end up as Sister Mary on the Shelf. Culled from various sources of advice, learn about the ideal bride and the options if Lord Charming never comes.
  12. The Byzantine Army -  Tactics and organization of the Byzantine army, with an emphasis on the tenth century. The Byzantine army was one of the best armies of its time.
  13. Getting Down to Byz-ness: Byzantine Persona - Interested in building a Byzantine persona but don't know where to start? Let Anna fill your head with bad ideas for an hour, and see what you can come up with. Discussing Byzantine as a culture, rather than a time period, is the key focus of this class. There will be history, garb, names, titles, and yes, even Varangians. 
  14. Closing your Clothes - Survey of period clothing closures and how to use them. Covers antiquity to 1600, and all the cultures that I have time for. Includes information on where to purchase these items. I will pass around actual closures and demonstrate their use.

June 10, 2018

Award of the Azure Trident - June 2018

The Award of the Azure Trident is an award established and given by the Baron and Baroness of Cleftlands to individuals who have excelled in the arts martial in relation to the Barony.
The Award of the Azure Trident was created on pergamenata with Windsor-Newton gouache and Speedball calligraphy ink. The text reads as follows:
Before these here assembled, know that we, Crispin and Gianna, Baron and Baroness of the Cleftlands send greetings. Like the three barbs of Poseidon's mighty trident, our martial forces are made victorious by those who field rattan, rapier, or bow and who excel at displaying their passions for the arts martial in defense of their barony and their kingdom. One such individual has been commended highly to us. Although she may be known more for her animated, if not metallic, smile, it is her infectious enthusiasm on the lists and her acts as an emissary at demonstrations which we celebrate today. Henceforth, it is our wish to recognize Aethelwynn Skerra Dimma as the premier recipient of our Award of the Azure Trident of the Cleftlands. We grant her and all who follow her the right to bear the badge: Fieldless, a trident azure within and conjoined to an annulet argent estencelly gules. Done by our hands this 9th day of June, Anno Societatis 53 at Northern Oaken War Maneuvers.
Finished work.
Inspiration piece.

Award of Saint Alfred - June 2018

The Award of Saint Alfred is an award given by the Baron and Baroness of Cleftlands to individuals who have given service to the Barony.

The Award of Saint Alfred was created on pergamenata with Windsor-Newton gouache and Speedball calligraphy ink. The text reads as follows:
Let it be known by all that we, Crispin and Gianna, fifth Baron and Baroness of the Cleftlands, wish to commend the works of our subject Sirius of Cleftlands for his steadfast commitment to helping and serving the barony wherever there is need by granting him an Award of Saint Alfred. Done by our Hands this 9th Day of June, Anno Societatis 53 at Northern Oaken War Maneuvers held in the Shire of Falcon's Quarry.
Finished work.

March 30, 2018

Glass Fusing

The ladies of the Rus household (Medved Ohoytnik) I belong to regularly get together try different and often strange non-SCA period arts and crafts and our March gathering was no exception. On a dreary March Thursday night we gathered in the wilds of southern Cleftlands (Strongsville) to participate in a private glass fusing party to created two custom panels for a table top lantern.

Although I knew this was coming, and that I should research a clear plan of action, I found myself without a firm any idea of what I'd like to create when I sat down at the table. I knew I didn't want to to focus on SCA heraldry because my arms aren't particularly conducive to a two hour time limit to reproduce, so I figured something more kitchy and mod might be interesting and fun.

After consulting the great information overlord (Google) and looking for MCM black cat art work, I stumbled on the Donna Mibus art piece titled Black Cat on a Table and thought that could be the winner as it reminded me of my black cat who recently passed away. I chose the accent colors in the palette I have in our bedroom.

Would I do this again? Absolutely! With a little more planning...

Lantern pieces, prior to fusing.
Inspiration piece.
The late and great DJ.

March 3, 2018

Order of the Red Company - March 2018

The Order of the Red Company is an award given by the Crown to individuals who have shown proficiency and leadership in armored combat melee, siege activities, and combat archery, or tournament combat. Conveys an Award of Arms.
The Order of the Red Company was created on pergamenata with Windsor-Newton gouache and Bombay Black India Ink. The text reads as follows:
See, hear, and read the words of Cellach, King by right of arms of the Middle Kingdom, and Vukasin, our Queen. In all the armies in history there have been many warriors who have fought and led from within the ranks, rising to positions of great honor. A warrior has many virtues, such as skill at arms, leadership on the field, and teaching of the arts martial.  Therefore do we herewith recognize Kenneth Kincaid of the Order of Red Company. Henceforth may he style himself a Sergeant of this noble order, and may bear its badge: Gules, two maces in saltire Argent, in canton upon his shield. Done by our hands this 3rd day of March, Anno Societatis LII, in our Canton of Pferdestadt.
After a double dog dare, I chose the more difficult design of two inspiration pieces I was looking at. (Under much protest and swearing over the course of about 20 hours of work...) I did the original layout on graph paper, then reverse engineered everything to fit close to the design. I'm not the biggest fan of freehand painting, but there are primarily pencil sketches underneath everything instead of 005 Micron pen keeping me in the lines. Of an interesting note (at least to me) the roosters were splotches of color tied together with some select gold and black brush strokes. Insert a picture of me fist bumping them if they had hands. They turned out to be my favorite part of the scroll.

Finished work.
In process.
Inspiration piece.

Order of the Dragon's Heart - March 2018

The Order of the Dragon's Heart is an award given at the pleasure of the Crown, given to those who have performed services on behalf of the kingdom above and beyond that normally expected. Members may wear the order's badge: Argent, a heart vert scaly argent.
The Order of the Dragon's Heart was created on pergamenata with Windsor-Newton gouache and Pigma Archival Ink 05. The text reads as follows:
Cellach and Vukasin,
King and Queen of the Middle Kingdom,
raise these words for Brisi Thorgrimsson.
Brave warrior.
Valiant runebringer.
He toils long to serve the land.
Let all know him by this his Dragon's Heart.
This scroll was unlike any other that I've done and well outside of my comfort level. While I originally solicited a bardic laurel and their apprentice for a boast to use in lieu of scroll text, after a consult my amazing Elder Futhark translator (Njall Orkneyjarson), we worked together make the wording more in line with scroll texts and frankly more succinct so it would fit within the confines of the design. I am exceptionally grateful for all involved with helping me work through this! \o/

Finished work.
Inspiration piece.

March 2, 2018

Arts & Sciences 100 Day Challenge - March 2018

  1. Mar 2 - Non-SCA watercolor paintings.
  2. Mar 29 - Non-SCA glass fusing class.
Not the most amazing of months, but it has been exceptionally busy on the job and home front.

Twenty four down, seventy six to go!

February 17, 2018

Award of Arms - February 2018

The Award of Arms is an award given at the pleasure of the Crown, typically for service or skills. The recipients are known as armigers, and may use the title Lord or Lady before their name.
The Award of the Arms was created on pergamenata with Windsor-Newton gouache and Bombay Black India Ink. The text reads as follows:
Let it known to all that we Cellach, King by right of Arms of the Middle Kingdom and Vukasin our Queen send greetings. We have heard much good of Milisandia MacGreghere, who has made herself worthy of advancement through her efforts in building and encouraging archery and by supporting local groups. In recognition of these good works we are minded to make unto her an Award of Arms. Done this 17th day of February, AS 52 at Masque of Courtly Love in Alderford.
Finished work.
Inspiration piece.
Inspiration archer.
Inspiration dragon.

February 1, 2018

Arts & Sciences 100 Day Challenge - February 2018

  1. Feb 5 - Tacked more seams down in the grey wool tunic. Perusing digital manuscript archives for upcoming scroll assignment.
  2. Feb 6 - Continue perusing digital manuscript archives for upcoming scroll assignment.
  3. Feb 7 - Illumination and calligraphy for Award of Arms scroll for Masque of Courtly Love. Research for Red Company scroll for Winter War Maneuvers.
  4. Feb 9 - Red Company scroll layout, design, and calligraphy. Tack down more seams on the grey wool tunic.
  5. Feb 10 - Red Company scroll painting. Finished tacking down seams, finally!
  6. Feb 11 - Research for an Norse-themed Dragon's Heart. Yikes.
  7. Feb 22 - Layout of Dragon's Heart.
  8. Feb 23 - Round 1 of Dragon's Heart.
  9. Feb 24 - Round 2 of Dragon's Heart.
  10. Feb 25 - Some non-SCA watercolor paintings.
Twenty two down, seventy eight to go!

January 28, 2018

Award of the Sapphire - January 2018

The Award of the Sapphire is an award given by the Crown to individuals who exhibit courtesy, grace, and honor to others and exemplify what it means to be the embodiment of the Dream.
The Award of the Sapphire was created on pergamenata with Windsor-Newton gouache and Bombay Black India Ink. The text reads as follows:
Let it be known to all that we, Cellach and Vukasin, King and Queen of the Midrealm send greetings. It is one of the pleasures of the crown to recognize individuals who exhibit great courtesy, grace, and honor to people of all ranks and who exemplify what it means to be the embodiment of the dream. Therefore, we are hereby minded to make unto Constanza de Mendoza an Award of the Sapphire and the right to bear the badge: Fieldless, a step-cut gemstone fesswise azure. Done by our hands this 27(th) day of January, Anno Societatis LII in our Barony of the Cleftlands.

This scroll was a bit of a challenge for me, in that first... it's tiny about 6" square on the outside and second, it's almost all free hand which I am definitely less than comfortable with. It turned out well enough and the recipient was pleased. There are subtle Easter eggs with the nebuly-decorated flower, the pale flower, and her registered arms, a sun in its splendor with a green halo.

Finished work.
Inspiration piece.

Award of Arms - January 2018

The Award of Arms is an award given at the pleasure of the Crown, typically for service or skills. The recipients are known as armigers, and may use the title Lord or Lady before their name.
The Award of the Arms was created on pergamenata with Windsor-Newton gouache and Bombay Black India Ink. The text reads as follows:
Be it known to all that we Cellach sovereign King by right of arms of the Middle Kingdom and Vukasin our Queen of love and beauty do send greetings. It is both our duty and right to recognize the good works of our populace and to reward them. Therefore we wish to bestow the Award of Arms unto our most loyal subject Americk Gilead for his long standing service as a soldier of the Midrealm and for leading the troops of Red Winged Lion. Done this 27th day of January, Anno Societatis LII in our Barony of the Cleftlands.
In my recipient stalk...research, I learned that the recipient was a Captain America fan, so I added a few modifications to the original inspiration piece. In the body of the lounging Eridanus, I have a quote and changed the water vessel into a Captain America shield themed vessel with silver stars. To embellish the plant, I added three device shields - one for the Midrealm, one for Red Winged Lion, and one blank for the recipient to add his own device.
Body Text: This is why you were chosen. Because the strong man who has known power all his life may lose respect for that power, but a weak man knows the value of strength and knows compassion. Whatever happens tomorrow, you must promise me one thing. That you will stay who you are, not a perfect soldier but a good man.
Finished work.
Inspiration piece.

January 25, 2018

Promissory Note - January 2018

The promissory note request came in under the wire during preparations for Regular Event and helping Ginevra with some remodeling. In my haste, I didn't realize that the manuscript was out of the SCA time period. (Oops.) While getting the final details about this post, I read the abstract and it suddenly made sense why I didn't catch the error. An excerpt from the website states, "This manuscript was made around 1800 by an often persecuted group of Russian Christians, the “Old Believers.” Because this group frequently had its books confiscated and was denied the use of printing presses, its members continued to write important books such as this one by hand." Ah ha!
The promissory note was created on pergamenata with Windsor-Newton gouache and Dr. Ph. Martin's Bombay black calligraphy ink. Russian translation provided by Riksavikariia Arturova. The text reads as follows:
Носитель этой заметки может обменять его на одного копья или ножа произведенный через Твистид Тйгер Армории из Ивана Шишова. The holder of this promissory note can exchange it for one hand made spear head or knife made at Twisted Tyger Armory by Ivan Shishov.
Finished work.
Inspiration piece.

January 1, 2018

Arts & Sciences 100 Day Challenge - January 2018

  1. Jan 5 - Ground almonds and black walnuts and almonds for a period-inspired nut cake.
  2. Jan 6 - Baked black walnut, Icelandic chicken, and locally grown honey cakes for the Northern Trotheim Yule cooking contest.
  3. Jan 8 - Drafted new pattern for early period tunic that Katalena (Ivaniaia zhena Shishova) introduced me to prior to NOWM as my old patterns no longer fit correctly.
  4. Jan 11 - Laid out and cut the pieces for the grey wool tunic. 
  5. Jan 12 - Continued working on the grey wool tunic, piecing together the side gores and the arms. I admitted finally that this project is taking longer than it should because I didn't want to use an existing neckline pattern that I had. So, I broke down and drafted a new one loosely based on an existing neckline from another pattern.
  6. Regular Event Special Tokens
    and the unfortunate star of the
    project -- reading glasses. :|
  7. Jan 13 - Master Oliver and I began working on the painting portion of the leather site tokens - specifically painting a base silver coat over the section that will be white and painting the blue portion. Finished working on the grey wool tunic to wear to Winter Wassail.
  8. Jan 14 - Master Oliver and I worked on painting special leather site tokens - specifically white, touching up the blue, and adding the gold. Took the neck facing pattern from Jan 13 and added additional length to the front to bring it forward just a bit. Resized early period pattern. Research for AoA scroll assignment for Regular Event, layout and calligraphy.
  9. Jan 15 - Completely redid the AoA scroll assignment for Regular Event. I didn't care for the kerning of the letters and the uneven gait, if you will, of the freehand text. Calligraphy laid down, quote added, and painting completed. I think there's enough personalization in it for the recipient; I hope they like it. More research on my second scroll assignment for the event... a Sapphire.
  10. Jan 16 - Completed calligraphy, outline, and painting of the Sapphire.
  11. Jan 25 - Completed research, calligraphy, and painting of the promissory note.
  12. Jan 26 - Research for mystery scroll.
  13. Jan 27 - Illumination of mystery scroll.
Twelve down... eighty eight to go. It just looks less overwhelming when you do not use numbers. ;)