February 17, 2018

Award of Arms - February 2018

The Award of Arms is an award given at the pleasure of the Crown, typically for service or skills. The recipients are known as armigers, and may use the title Lord or Lady before their name.
The Award of the Arms was created on pergamenata with Windsor-Newton gouache and Bombay Black India Ink. The text reads as follows:
Let it known to all that we Cellach, King by right of Arms of the Middle Kingdom and Vukasin our Queen send greetings. We have heard much good of Milisandia MacGreghere, who has made herself worthy of advancement through her efforts in building and encouraging archery and by supporting local groups. In recognition of these good works we are minded to make unto her an Award of Arms. Done this 17th day of February, AS 52 at Masque of Courtly Love in Alderford.
Finished work.
Inspiration piece.
Inspiration archer.
Inspiration dragon.

February 1, 2018

Arts & Sciences 100 Day Challenge - February 2018

  1. Feb 5 - Tacked more seams down in the grey wool tunic. Perusing digital manuscript archives for upcoming scroll assignment.
  2. Feb 6 - Continue perusing digital manuscript archives for upcoming scroll assignment.
  3. Feb 7 - Illumination and calligraphy for Award of Arms scroll for Masque of Courtly Love. Research for Red Company scroll for Winter War Maneuvers.
  4. Feb 9 - Red Company scroll layout, design, and calligraphy. Tack down more seams on the grey wool tunic.
  5. Feb 10 - Red Company scroll painting. Finished tacking down seams, finally!
  6. Feb 11 - Research for an Norse-themed Dragon's Heart. Yikes.
  7. Feb 22 - Layout of Dragon's Heart.
  8. Feb 23 - Round 1 of Dragon's Heart.
  9. Feb 24 - Round 2 of Dragon's Heart.
  10. Feb 25 - Some non-SCA watercolor paintings.
Twenty two down, seventy eight to go!