August 18, 2023

Post Pennsic Blah - Stretch Goals 2023

After Pennsic, I like to collect my thoughts as well as my to do (or to buy) list to make things easier the next year. For those that know me, endless lists and notes will come as no surprise - but they're so helpful! I took care of 2022's list (of purchases) by September 2022 and come July of 2023, I was patting past-self on the back.

I would like to expand the list to projects I'd like to complete in the downtime between Wars for just the slightest bit of accountability. I think the underlying goal was to complete at least one project per month. Best of luck, future me!

Crispin Wardrobe Refresh
  • hoods
    • black linen
    • gold wool
  • pants 
    • yellow linen
    • black linen
    • blue linen
    • green linen
    • red linen
  • long sleeved tunics 
    • olive green linen
    • shot linen
    • gold linen
  • short (work) sleeved tunics 
    • olive green linen
    • shot linen
    • neutral linen
  • tunica 
    • white linen
Gianna Wardrobe Refresh
  • underdress
    • neutral linen
    • light blue linen
  • long sleeved cote
    • olive green linen
  • short sleeved cote 
    • blue linen - needs buttons and finishing (8/23)
    • shot linen
    • purple linen
  • sideless surcoat
  • tunica 
    • white linen
Shared Items
  • hoods
    • blue linen - cut out, needs construction (8/23)
    • brown linen
    • black/gold parti-color
Other Projects
  • Midrealm Royal infrastructure documentation and schedule (book)
    • Midrealm Royal shield documentation (booklet)
    • Midrealm Royal shower documentation (booklet)
    • Midrealm Royal gate tent documentation (booklet)
  • Midrealm Royal independent shire heraldry (hanging plaques)
  • Midrealm Royal missing award heraldry (hanging plaques)
  • Pennsic Tent or Camp Projects
    • Stamp (decorate) interior curtains
    • Paint carousel tent
    • Paint day shade

August 13, 2023

Pennsic War 50 Classes I Took

  1. Henry VIII: Victim or Tyrant? Was Henry VIII a victim of genetics, circumstance, and repetitive injury, or simply a tyrant? [Instructor: Isgerthr Bjargeyjardottir ]
  2. The Hortus Conclusus - The Hortus Conclusus, the medieval walled garden in art and allegory. [Instructor: Victoria Fitzgerald]
  3. Beaded Veil Edges - Beads add weight and beauty to your veils. In addition to being pretty, it is a practical way to keep your veils from blowing about in the breeze. This is a hands-on class using tiny needles and tiny beads. Youths 12 and older welcome with an adult. You will learn several techniques and leave with a sampler of beaded edges. Some hand-sewing knowledge is helpful. Please bring reading glasses and thread snips if you have them. [Instructor:  Sarra Bossard]
  4. Short Veils and Square Chitons: Carthaginian Dress -  A concise overview of Punic dress and dress accessories. Includes patterns, instructions, and information on fibers, weaves, dyes, and stitches. Handouts will also be available online.[Instructor: Aelia Suphunibal]
  5. Period Fabrics and Modern Sources - Learn about what fabrics were used in clothing during the Middle Ages and Renaissance in Western Europe. Learn about how and where we can find these fabrics for our own garb. We will make a swatch book, so you have some physical examples to help when you’re trying to identify and compare the fabric. The class is back after a long break for Pennsic 50. The instructor has over a decade of experience working in fabric stores and making garb for family, friends and strangers. [Instructor: Catalina Doro]
  6. What's in Your Roman Pantry? - We will discuss and sample some of the most common ingredients featured in recipes from Apicius, learn their many uses, and how we can bring Roman flavors into our everyday cooking.[Instructor: Ottilige Rappoltsweiler ]
  7. Roman Africa - An introductory look at the role that the people, landscape, and provinces of Africa played in the history of Rome. [Instructor: Salvia Repentina]
  8. Ancient Inventions - Are we smarter that our ancestors? Probably not; we just have better machines, although our ancestors did have some pretty smart machines. Did aliens build the pyramids? Only in our imagination. Learn about a number of surprising tools and objects our ancestors had and used. Some of them may surprise you. Then bust some myths about history that you thought you knew. For example, why do all cultures have a seven-day week? Who invented spectacles? What’s the oldest musical instrument? [Instructor: Chengir abu ben Said]
  9. The **Perfect Hat Stretcher** Made Easy -  Hat stretchers not only can stretch a small hat to fit your head, they will also keep a hat from shrinking. A stretcher is great for all hats and a must for felt hats. The problem with commercial hat stretchers is that they are expensive and rarely fit the shape of an individual's head. Learn how to make a hat stretcher at home in an hour or two that will exactly duplicate the shape of your head! This will make and keep your hat shaped perfectly, so you can wear it comfortably all day long without getting hot spots and it will be unlikely to blow off in the wind. And best of all, it will cost you around $5 or less to make. The stretcher is so easy and inexpensive to make that you will probably make one for each hat that you own. [Instructor: Bedwyr Danwyn]
  10. Canvas Painting Practicum - Practicum of painting on canvas. We will use the modern acrylics and discuss how you can decorate your tent, etc. Covers how you plan a project and adjust paint. Take home the canvas you painted yourself. [Instructor: Aldermoureis Ventzke]
  11. Garb from Simple Shapes - This class will discuss how clothing can be constructed from simple geometric shapes, based on extant garments from various parts of SCA period. We will look at how the extant pieces use rectangles and triangles to create clothing to fit the human body. Strategies for fitting and sizing to the individual will be discussed. [Instructor:  Abu-Darzin Ibrahim al-Rashid]
  12. Archaeology of the Roman Diet - This is a lecture class focusing on how recent archaeological finds have changed our understanding of the Roman diet. The class will focus on recent archaeological digs at the port cities of Herculaneum and Pompeii. It will discuss how new finds and methods are being used to re-examine the traditional viewpoint of the diet of the average citizen and reach towards a better understanding of the diets of these members of the Roman population. [Instructor: Pompeia Rufina]
  13. Making Better T-Tunics - Now that you have made your first t-tunic, learn some pointers for making the next one better. [Instructor: Aldermoureis Ventzke]
  14. Modern Media in the SCA - Reaching people who are interested in the SCA can be difficult; reaching a large number at once even more so. In this class, Æthelmearc Media Liaison and broadcast journalist Baron Arias Beltran del Valle discusses how to reach out to modern media and share activities and events with them, while also adhering to Society media policies. Includes what to do (and not to do!) when the media arrives at an event. Included in the discussion will be suggestions on how to make an event more interesting to news outlets. We'll touch on rights given to the reporters and to participants. We'll also discuss who should be involved in preparations for meeting the media at an event, and how to present the best face for your group! [Instructor: Arias Beltran del Valle ]
  15. Beginning Silk Banners Learn some history and make a simple banner using permanent dyes.[Instructor: Michaela Isabella Botticelli]
  16. Talkin' Dirty: Pre-Modern Hygiene Always wanted to know about pre-1700 European toilets, bathing, washing, etc.? Join us for a wide-ranging discussion. [Instructor: Jadwiga Zajaczkowa]

July 28, 2023

Under Pressure - Pennsic 2023

Crispin's Wardrobe Refresh

  1. black linen pants
  2. black linen pants
  3. black linen pants
  4. lightweight fighting tabard with sleeves
  5. lightweight rust linen work short

Gianna's Wardrobe Refresh

  1. blue/black diamond short-sleeved cotehardie
  2. brown wool short-sleeved cotehardie
  3. tabby weave lightweight fighting tabard with sleeves
  4. long sleeved white linen underdress
  5. long sleeved white linen underdress
  6. silk chiton
  7. linen chiton
  8. green detached sleeves
  9. red/gold detached sleeves
  10. pink feathered detached sleeves (mobile project)
  11. blue heavy linen hood (mobile project)
  12. blue cotehardie (mobile project)

Shared Items

  1. black linen hood

Other Projects

  1. 4 keg canvas covers
  2. 2 canvas bench bags
  3. 36 ropes / toggles for Midrealm gate tent 
  4. 36 painted finials for Midrealm gate tent
  5. 18 ropes /toggles for personal day shade
  6. 18 painted finials for personal day shade