September 24, 2011

Award of the Purple Fret - September 2011

The Award of the Purple Fret is an award given by the Crown to individuals who have been recognized for service to a group, office, or Kingdom. The recipient was Margherita di Raffaele. Illumination by Gianna Vettori, calligraphy on the finished scroll was done by Sibylla of Amasya.

The two vignettes were modified to reflect the persona of the sitting royals, Eikbrandr Solgyafi (left) and Runa Æikibrandskona (right) with signature banners in each of their hands.

Finished illumination.
Inspiration piece.

Court Baroness - September 2011

Outside of the class I took, this was the first scroll blank that I created. The artwork was from a book in a 15th century style and painted on Bristol vellum with watercolors. I was drawn to the picture because of the peacock. It was later presented to Her Excellency Julianna de Pardieu, calligraphy by Astridr Ketilsdottir.

Scroll blank.
Finished work.