November 14, 2013

Award of the Sapphire - November 2013

The Award of the Sapphire is an award given by the Crown to individuals who exhibit courtesy, grace, and honor to others and exemplify what it means to be the embodiment of The Dream. The recipient was Ginevra Boscoli, read into court on at Royal University of the Midrealm on 11/2/2013 and given on 11/13/2013.
The Award of the Sapphire was created on Strathmore 400 Series natural parchment with goauche and Speedball calligraphy inks with a C3 nib. The text reads as follows:
Proclaim throughout our Realm that we Cellach, King by right of arms of the Middle Kingdom, and Vukasin, our Queen, send heartfelt greetings. Observe and know that it is one of the pleasures of the Crown to recognize individuals who exhibit great courtesy, grace, and honor to people of all ranks and who exemplify what it means to be the embodiment of The Dream. Therefore, we are hereby minded to make unto Ginevra Boscoli an Award of the Sapphire. We bestow unto him/her all rights and responsibilities associated with The Sapphire Light and the right to bear the badge: Fieldless, a gemstone azure. Done by our hands this 2nd day of November, Anno Societatis XLVIII, in our Barony of the Cleftlands.
Finished Work.
Inspiration piece.

November 1, 2013

La Castellana and a shot of RUM

Most of my energy these last few weeks has been focused on maintaining the online schedule for the upcoming Royal University of the Midrealm (RUM) and AEthelmearc Academy venture. I will be teaching a class called Italian Dance for ECD Feet – La Castellana. After teaching a similar version of the class at Pennsic for Contrapasso en Due, I thought I would reprise the format after the dance competition at Red Dragon.

Here are the handouts:  Class Notes | Dance Notation

If it looks like you’re seeing double, you are! The handouts (as the stand today) are formatted to fit on a half piece of paper. If you are going to print these, please print them two per page, landscape format, flip along the short side. And then share a copy with your best friend.