The promissory note request came in under the wire during preparations for Regular Event and helping Ginevra with some remodeling. In my haste, I didn't realize that the manuscript was out of the SCA time period. (Oops.) While getting the final details about this post, I read the abstract and it suddenly made sense why I didn't catch the error. An excerpt from the website states, "
This manuscript was made around 1800 by an often persecuted group of Russian Christians, the “Old Believers.” Because this group frequently had its books confiscated and was denied the use of printing presses, its members continued to write important books such as this one by hand." Ah ha!
The promissory note was created on pergamenata with Windsor-Newton gouache and Dr. Ph. Martin's Bombay black calligraphy ink. Russian translation provided by Riksavikariia Arturova. The text reads as follows:
Носитель этой заметки может обменять его на одного копья или ножа произведенный через Твистид Тйгер Армории из Ивана Шишова. The holder of this promissory note can exchange it for one hand made spear head or knife made at Twisted Tyger Armory by Ivan Shishov.
Finished work. |
Inspiration piece. |