The Award of Arms is an award given at the pleasure of the Crown, typically for service or skills. The recipients are known as armigers, and may use the title Lord or Lady before their name.
The Award of the Arms was created on pergamenata with Windsor-Newton gouache and Bombay Black India Ink. The text reads as follows:
Be it known to all that we Cellach sovereign King by right of arms of the Middle Kingdom and Vukasin our Queen of love and beauty do send greetings. It is both our duty and right to recognize the good works of our populace and to reward them. Therefore we wish to bestow the Award of Arms unto our most loyal subject Americk Gilead for his long standing service as a soldier of the Midrealm and for leading the troops of Red Winged Lion. Done this 27th day of January, Anno Societatis LII in our Barony of the Cleftlands.
In my recipient
stalk...research, I learned that the recipient was a Captain America fan, so I added a few modifications to the original inspiration piece. In the body of the lounging Eridanus, I have a quote and changed the water vessel into a Captain America shield themed vessel with silver stars. To embellish the plant, I added three device shields - one for the Midrealm, one for Red Winged Lion, and one blank for the recipient to add his own device.
Body Text: This is why you were chosen. Because the strong man who has known power all his life may lose respect for that power, but a weak man knows the value of strength and knows compassion. Whatever happens tomorrow, you must promise me one thing. That you will stay who you are, not a perfect soldier but a good man.
Finished work. |
Inspiration piece. |