The Order of the Red Company is an award given by the Crown to individuals who have shown proficiency and leadership in armored combat melee, siege activities, and combat archery, or tournament combat. Conveys an Award of Arms.
The Order of the Red Company was created on pergamenata with Windsor-Newton gouache and Bombay Black India Ink. The text reads as follows:
See, hear, and read the words of Cellach, King by right of arms of the Middle Kingdom, and Vukasin, our Queen. In all the armies in history there have been many warriors who have fought and led from within the ranks, rising to positions of great honor. A warrior has many virtues, such as skill at arms, leadership on the field, and teaching of the arts martial. Therefore do we herewith recognize Kenneth Kincaid of the Order of Red Company. Henceforth may he style himself a Sergeant of this noble order, and may bear its badge: Gules, two maces in saltire Argent, in canton upon his shield. Done by our hands this 3rd day of March, Anno Societatis LII, in our Canton of Pferdestadt.
After a double dog dare, I chose the more difficult design of two inspiration pieces I was looking at. (Under much protest and swearing over the course of about 20 hours of work...) I did the original layout on graph paper, then reverse engineered everything to fit close to the design. I'm not the biggest fan of freehand painting, but there are primarily pencil sketches underneath everything instead of 005 Micron pen keeping me in the lines. Of an interesting note (at least to me) the roosters were splotches of color tied together with some select gold and black brush strokes. Insert a picture of me fist bumping them if they had hands. They turned out to be my favorite part of the scroll.
Finished work. |
In process. |
Inspiration piece. |