The Order of the Dragon's Heart is an award given at the pleasure of the Crown, given to those who have performed services on behalf of the kingdom above and beyond that normally expected. Members may wear the order's badge: Argent, a heart vert scaly argent.
The Order of the Dragon's Heart was created on pergamenata with Windsor-Newton gouache and Pigma Archival Ink 05. The text reads as follows:
Cellach and Vukasin,
King and Queen of the Middle Kingdom,
raise these words for Brisi Thorgrimsson.
Brave warrior.
Valiant runebringer.
He toils long to serve the land.
Let all know him by this his Dragon's Heart.
This scroll was unlike any other that I've done and well outside of my comfort level. While I originally solicited a bardic laurel and their apprentice for a boast to use in lieu of scroll text, after a consult my amazing Elder Futhark translator (Njall Orkneyjarson), we worked together make the wording more in line with scroll texts and frankly more succinct so it would fit within the confines of the design. I am exceptionally grateful for all involved with helping me work through this! \o/
Finished work. |
Inspiration piece. |