March 30, 2018

Glass Fusing

The ladies of the Rus household (Medved Ohoytnik) I belong to regularly get together try different and often strange non-SCA period arts and crafts and our March gathering was no exception. On a dreary March Thursday night we gathered in the wilds of southern Cleftlands (Strongsville) to participate in a private glass fusing party to created two custom panels for a table top lantern.

Although I knew this was coming, and that I should research a clear plan of action, I found myself without a firm any idea of what I'd like to create when I sat down at the table. I knew I didn't want to to focus on SCA heraldry because my arms aren't particularly conducive to a two hour time limit to reproduce, so I figured something more kitchy and mod might be interesting and fun.

After consulting the great information overlord (Google) and looking for MCM black cat art work, I stumbled on the Donna Mibus art piece titled Black Cat on a Table and thought that could be the winner as it reminded me of my black cat who recently passed away. I chose the accent colors in the palette I have in our bedroom.

Would I do this again? Absolutely! With a little more planning...

Lantern pieces, prior to fusing.
Inspiration piece.
The late and great DJ.