March 30, 2018

Glass Fusing

The ladies of the Rus household (Medved Ohoytnik) I belong to regularly get together try different and often strange non-SCA period arts and crafts and our March gathering was no exception. On a dreary March Thursday night we gathered in the wilds of southern Cleftlands (Strongsville) to participate in a private glass fusing party to created two custom panels for a table top lantern.

Although I knew this was coming, and that I should research a clear plan of action, I found myself without a firm any idea of what I'd like to create when I sat down at the table. I knew I didn't want to to focus on SCA heraldry because my arms aren't particularly conducive to a two hour time limit to reproduce, so I figured something more kitchy and mod might be interesting and fun.

After consulting the great information overlord (Google) and looking for MCM black cat art work, I stumbled on the Donna Mibus art piece titled Black Cat on a Table and thought that could be the winner as it reminded me of my black cat who recently passed away. I chose the accent colors in the palette I have in our bedroom.

Would I do this again? Absolutely! With a little more planning...

Lantern pieces, prior to fusing.
Inspiration piece.
The late and great DJ.

March 3, 2018

Order of the Red Company - March 2018

The Order of the Red Company is an award given by the Crown to individuals who have shown proficiency and leadership in armored combat melee, siege activities, and combat archery, or tournament combat. Conveys an Award of Arms.
The Order of the Red Company was created on pergamenata with Windsor-Newton gouache and Bombay Black India Ink. The text reads as follows:
See, hear, and read the words of Cellach, King by right of arms of the Middle Kingdom, and Vukasin, our Queen. In all the armies in history there have been many warriors who have fought and led from within the ranks, rising to positions of great honor. A warrior has many virtues, such as skill at arms, leadership on the field, and teaching of the arts martial.  Therefore do we herewith recognize Kenneth Kincaid of the Order of Red Company. Henceforth may he style himself a Sergeant of this noble order, and may bear its badge: Gules, two maces in saltire Argent, in canton upon his shield. Done by our hands this 3rd day of March, Anno Societatis LII, in our Canton of Pferdestadt.
After a double dog dare, I chose the more difficult design of two inspiration pieces I was looking at. (Under much protest and swearing over the course of about 20 hours of work...) I did the original layout on graph paper, then reverse engineered everything to fit close to the design. I'm not the biggest fan of freehand painting, but there are primarily pencil sketches underneath everything instead of 005 Micron pen keeping me in the lines. Of an interesting note (at least to me) the roosters were splotches of color tied together with some select gold and black brush strokes. Insert a picture of me fist bumping them if they had hands. They turned out to be my favorite part of the scroll.

Finished work.
In process.
Inspiration piece.

Order of the Dragon's Heart - March 2018

The Order of the Dragon's Heart is an award given at the pleasure of the Crown, given to those who have performed services on behalf of the kingdom above and beyond that normally expected. Members may wear the order's badge: Argent, a heart vert scaly argent.
The Order of the Dragon's Heart was created on pergamenata with Windsor-Newton gouache and Pigma Archival Ink 05. The text reads as follows:
Cellach and Vukasin,
King and Queen of the Middle Kingdom,
raise these words for Brisi Thorgrimsson.
Brave warrior.
Valiant runebringer.
He toils long to serve the land.
Let all know him by this his Dragon's Heart.
This scroll was unlike any other that I've done and well outside of my comfort level. While I originally solicited a bardic laurel and their apprentice for a boast to use in lieu of scroll text, after a consult my amazing Elder Futhark translator (Njall Orkneyjarson), we worked together make the wording more in line with scroll texts and frankly more succinct so it would fit within the confines of the design. I am exceptionally grateful for all involved with helping me work through this! \o/

Finished work.
Inspiration piece.

March 2, 2018

Arts & Sciences 100 Day Challenge - March 2018

  1. Mar 2 - Non-SCA watercolor paintings.
  2. Mar 29 - Non-SCA glass fusing class.
Not the most amazing of months, but it has been exceptionally busy on the job and home front.

Twenty four down, seventy six to go!