September 29, 2024

Traveling Hats at Coronation

Shaping a hat.

The Fellowship of the Traveling Hat recently held session at the Midrealm Coronation of Kilian and Jalida in Constellation (IN).

Duchess AnneMarie and I, with the assistance of Lady Claricia and Baroness Antonia, were able to lead a class of (at least) thirty people in making (at least) thirty-five hats.  The class session held several repeat attendees, much to our delight, plus many new people eager to try their hand at new accessories. It was great success with many learning opportunities on both sides.

Thanks to Sir Bran for the pictures!

During the lecture.
Shaping and ironing.

September 27, 2024

Magenta Madness

Midrealm Coronation.

Dame Roana and I took a walk near the end of Pennsic to Royal Blue Traders to source some wool for cool weather projects. Having just finished the purple and teal hood, I decided to try my luck at another,  but one with a little more sparkle to it. What I found however was (in retrospect) a light weight magenta wool that existed somewhere between eye blindingly red and pink, thus I was sold! 

I acquired a yard and a half of the wool then created a classic 14th century dagged hood, courtesy of Opus Elenae's base pattern paired with the dags expansion. After some back and forth thinking each dag would be turned into a strawberry, I opted to let this bold and beautiful wool stand on its own, especially after adding the  printed diamond weave cotton as the lining.

Sir Bran was kind enough to take a picture (or three) of its premier at Midrealm Coronation. Here it is paired with a charcoal bycocket adorned with peacock feathers, green pin on sleeves, and the pewter plaque belt created by Crispin.


Inking the dags.
Instagram teaser!
The dagged hood is finished!

September 8, 2024

Traveling Hats at Harvest Days

My meager display of hats.
The Fellowship of the Traveling Hat recently held session at the Midrealm Harvest Days in South Oaken (OH).

When Crispin and I decided we were attending Harvest Days, I reached out to the event steward to see if I could secure location indoors to hold session, despite the classes being themed after games and we were quickly scheduled! Shortly after arrival Mistress Aveline showed me the space, I set out a meager display of items in advance of the class. Little did I know that throughout the day people would stop me and ask when we were starting, which started to make me a little nervous. 

Thankfully, Lady Miriana was in attendance and was gracious enough to be my assistant during class. Because we needed it! We had a much larger group of people in attendance than expected! We were able to make between 25-30 hats in the time allotted which was incredible, considering I only had one iron! (Insert a very long story about my new steam iron missing a part.) 

I consider this a learning experience - one iron is definitely not enough! And in order to not limit the size of class, an assistant is definitely needed. I cannot thank Miriana enough for being such a rock star! And thanks to Raziya al-Zarqua' for photography!

Shaping hats.
Blessing of the hat.

September 1, 2024

Traveling Hats at Mounted War Games

The Fellowship of the Traveling Hat held the inaugural session at the Midrealm Mounted War Games in Constellation (IN).

The class session was held in the main populace building near the far back corner of the room and was our first official outing as the Fellowship. Duchess AnneMarie and I were trying to figure out the best method to present the class materials as well as get the hats created for the attendees.  (And holing up in the building with air conditioning was certainly a perk...) Ultimately, we led a class of around ten people in making hats, including a gentleman at his first SCA event! 

Thank you to all who attended and cheered us on and through this session.

A collection of hats.
A collection of embellishments.