September 27, 2024

Magenta Madness

Midrealm Coronation.

Dame Roana and I took a walk near the end of Pennsic to Royal Blue Traders to source some wool for cool weather projects. Having just finished the purple and teal hood, I decided to try my luck at another,  but one with a little more sparkle to it. What I found however was (in retrospect) a light weight magenta wool that existed somewhere between eye blindingly red and pink, thus I was sold! 

I acquired a yard and a half of the wool then created a classic 14th century dagged hood, courtesy of Opus Elenae's base pattern paired with the dags expansion. After some back and forth thinking each dag would be turned into a strawberry, I opted to let this bold and beautiful wool stand on its own, especially after adding the  printed diamond weave cotton as the lining.

Sir Bran was kind enough to take a picture (or three) of its premier at Midrealm Coronation. Here it is paired with a charcoal bycocket adorned with peacock feathers, green pin on sleeves, and the pewter plaque belt created by Crispin.


Inking the dags.
Instagram teaser!
The dagged hood is finished!