January 29, 2025

Noblesse Largesse Gift Exchange

It's been a few year since I participated in the Noblesse Largesse holiday gift exchange, but I thought I'd give it a go. The recipient's time period was a little earlier than the source material for the hood, but I figured it should still work for a few centuries earlier as hoods are pretty universal in make and model. The construction of the hood was based upon a fourteenth century hood found in Baynard's Castle, London UK. [See original source material at Opus Elenae's website.] 

The recipient's heraldic colors are blue, green, and gold. I chose celery green and periwinkle blue woven silk, lined with khaki colored linen. It is, as they say very demure and very mindful. I tacked down gold wool yarn at 4 and 7 centimeters from the edge, then added faux pearls in trefoils every 9 to 10 centimeters.

Hopefully, they will like it!
  • Inspiration
  • Materials
    • woven silk, linen, wool, cotton thread, and commercial faux seed pearls.
Finished project.

January 4, 2025

Award of the Purple Fret - January 2025

The Award of the Purple Fret is an award given by the Crown to individuals who have been recognized for service to a group, office, or Kingdom.

  • Source: The Walters Ex Libris
  • Title: French Book of Hours
  • Origin: France, Central (Rouen)
  • Date: 1420-80
The scroll was created on pergamenata with Windsor-Newton gouache, Bombay Black India Ink and 24 carat gold leaf. The text reads as follows:
Pay heed to the words of Kilian and Jalida, beloved sovereigns of the Middle Kingdom. They wish to publicly recognize their faithful subject Chrysanthème des Prés for doing great acts of service, especially when providing nourishment to the masses and wish to bestow upon her the Award of the Purple Fret. Done this fourth day of January, Anno Societatis LIX (59) at the Twelth Night Celebrations in the Barony of Middle Marches.
Finished work.
In Process.
Inspiration piece.