April 15, 2024

On The Subject of Volunteering - Royalty Liaison

The Barony of Cleftlands began undertaking a project to define the roles of the many positions one can hold as staff for our local events. Their Graces Eikbrandr and Runa and I collaborated on the subject of serving as a Royalty Liaison to produce this guide. In the process, we were able to identify several less daunting (or newcomer friendly) volunteer opportunities.


A Royalty Liaison (Liaison) is a person or small group of people who serve as the primary point of contact on behalf of the local group with the designated representatives of the Crown or Crowns that may attend your local event.


The Liaison will regularly communicate with the Chamberlain or other designated person(s) from the Crown’s staff to ensure that Their needs are met while in attendance at your local event. This may include, but is not limited to: parking, lodging, royalty room scheduling, consumable item needs or restrictions, largess, volunteers for retaining, etc. Specific items are often outlined on the Crown’s reign websites (below), but do not hesitate to collaborate or confirm with the point of contact if you have a specific question, concerns, or ideas.

  • https://trm.midrealm.org
  • https://trh.midrealm.org 

Comps (Site & Feast)

The Barony of Cleftlands traditionally offers free site and feast for each individual member of the royalty (king, queen, prince, princess, etc.) regardless of their Kingdom. Free (comped) site fee is generally granted as one retainer per royal, i.e. the princess attends the event and receives one free retainer. Confirm with lunch or feast stewards to see if the feast is comped for retainers before communicating with the royal staff members. Additionally, if a feast is being served, it is recommended that the head table should seat ten or five couples.

At The Event 


At least one clearly marked reserved (preferred) parking should be provided per royal in attendance as well as one for their retainers. This helps ensure the loading and unloading of the royal presence. For example, a parking spot for the King and Consort, plus one for their Chamberlain. Communicate this information clearly to their staff representative, whether with a map, a picture, or a clear and concise description of the location.

  • Volunteer Opportunity! The Liaison may choose to privately recruit or publicly engage the populace of the barony to find helpers to transport the royal regalia during the day. Often referred to as a brute squad, these volunteers should be available to assist with loading, unloading, or setup as needed or directed by the Crown’s representative. 
Royalty Room

Regardless of location, the room provided to the royalty is a private space for the Crown to use during their time at your local event. The room often serves as a dressing room, storage room for regalia and personal effects, a privy chamber for private discussions or meetings, and so on.

  • An attached bathroom is recommended but if not possible please be sure to communicate the location and type of the nearest facilities to the staff or royals.
  • In the event the royalty room is in a tent, please consider a heat source and furniture for sitting, a table for their items, etc. The items do not need to be period-correct, but sturdy and serviceable items. 
  • If the room contains a window inside, please cover the view to ensure privacy. (e.g. A window in a door or an exterior window from a courtyard.) 
  • Set up at least one chair outside the door for royalty room guard(s). 
Your primary responsibility is to set up and tear down the room at the end of the event. Communicate with their staff to verify when or if you can or should enter the room and prepare things such as refreshments.

On the subject of refreshments, check with the chamberlain and the royalty website(s) to get an idea of their food and drink preferences or if there are any specific special requests. Likewise, inquire as to the disposition of leftover food as the end of the event approaches. Would they like the food removed? Transferred to a peerage meeting? Offered to the general populace? Packaged for transport?

Consider having a small but generous selection of things, but not enough to feed the entire event. For example: meat, cheese, fruits, sweets, pastries, water, coffee, tea, etc. that can be snacked on throughout the day. Additionally, you may offer to acquire lunch from the lunch tavern and have it delivered to the location of their choosing. Don’t forget to provide the basics: cups, plates or bowls, cutlery, napkins, serving utensils, table decor, and so on! 

  • Volunteer Opportunity! The Liaison may choose to privately recruit or publicly engage the populace of the barony to find helpers to guard the royalty room. These shifts are often an hour at a time in which the volunteer will maintain a presence outside the Royalty Room to guard regalia, personal effects, privacy, etc. The volunteers will often receive guidance from the staff member in charge for the day as to what their specific duties may be as needed.

  • Volunteer Opportunity! The Liaison may choose to privately recruit or publicly engage the populace of the barony to find helpers to cater for the royalty room. Be aware that the barony cannot provide reimbursement for the items offered due to the limited audience receiving the goods. You can choose to do this out of pocket or explore taking donations or fundraising. 

Scribes Room

In the past, the scribes room or scribal room has been paired with the royalty room, but this practice is frowned upon. If at all possible, please try to keep the two separate. If a royal court is scheduled, staff and the crown will utilize the room when signing scrolls. 

Royal Field Presence 

Communicate with royal staff as to whether or not they will be providing a day presence for the crown or if they prefer event staff to do so. Their throne setup is generally done by royal staff or with the assistance of volunteers. Traditionally, the crown and their guests are offered the baronial pavilion at outdoor events so it is then the royal presence and should be treated as such. You may consider catering refreshments or lunch in this location.