The Order of the Azure Chalice recognizes individuals who have provided exemplary and long-standing service and dedication to the Barony, and who have done such work as to add to the enduring legacy of the Cleftlands.
The Order of the Azure Chalice was created on pergamenata with Windsor-Newton gouache and Speedball calligraphy ink. The text reads as follows:
Immense wealth is symbolized by the overflowing cup, as the bounty is so great that it cannot be contained within a single vessel. The Barony of the Cleftlands is in this manner enriched by the people who rally under her banner. We, Crispin and Gianna, fifth Baron and Baroness of our line, know well that there are many among our ranks who dedicate themselves to the cultivation of our plentiful lands. Their acts have shaped not only the landscape, but the very bedrock upon which the barony nobly stands. It is this tireless service in all forms which contributes to our shared prosperity and enriches our populace so that the Barony of the Cleftlands remain a fertile field in which the seeds of dreams may grow. That which nourishes these lands where the river once burned must be celebrated. Henceforth, let it be known to all nobles and gentles present that it is both our honor and privilege to recognize Robert atte Northclyfe as a member of our Order of the Azure Chalice. With this distinction is granted the right to bear the badge, Fieldless, a chalice azure within and conjoined to an annulet argent estencelly gules, henceforth without let or hindrance. Done by our hands this 23rd day of October, Anno Societatis 56, at our Regular Event in the Cleftlands.
Finished work. |
Inspiration piece. |