The Award of Saint Alfred is an award given by the Baron and Baroness of Cleftlands to individuals who have given service to the Barony.
- Source: Catalog of Illuminated Manuscripts, British Library
The Award of the Saint Alfred was created on pergamenata with Windsor-Newton gouache and Speedball calligraphy ink. The text reads as follows:
It shall be known by all that we, Crispin and Gianna, Baron and Baroness of Cleftlands wish to commend the works of Zofia der Kinder and thank her publicly for her dedication to the youth of the Barony by granting her the Award of Saint Alfred. Done this 8th day of August, Anno Societatis 55 as we shelter in our beloved lands away from the plagued battlefields and the Pennsic Wars of legend and lore.
Finished work.
Inspiration piece.