The Award of the Argent Cresset is an award given by the Baron and Baroness of Cleftlands to individuals who make efforts to learn and teach the arts within the Barony.
- Source: Catalog of Illuminated Manuscripts, British Library
- Title: Psalter with Old English gloss, the Psalms preceded by a calendar and compotus material (ff. 1-12), and followed by canticles and litany (ff. 119-132v), and prayers (ff. 143-148v), specifically Arundel 60 f. 5v 'Virgo'
- Origin: England, S. ( Winchester)
- Date: 3rd quarter of the 11th century, probably after 1073
The Award of the Argent Cresset was created on pergamenata with Speedball calligraphy ink. The text reads as follows:
Observe the words of Crispin and Gianna, Baron and Baroness of Cleftlands. It is proper to honor those who make efforts to learn and teach the arts which enrich the splendor of our fair Barony. Therefore, we wish to recognize Noble Wrin the Red with an Award of the Argent Cresset. All my know them by their badge: fieldless, a cresset argent enflamed proper within and conjoined to an annulet estencilly gules. Done by our hands this 13th day of June AS 55 as we shelter from the plague and the battlefields of Northern Oaken War Maneuvers.
Finished work. |
Inspiration piece. |