The Order of the Willow is an award given by the crown to those who have shown proficiency in the arts. The recipients are known by the badge blazoned: Purpure, a willow tree eradicated Or. This award is equal to the awards: Order of the Silver Oak.
The Order of the Willow was created on pergamenata with
Windsor-Newton gouache and Speedball calligraphy ink. The text reads as follows:
Piteous are those who fail to hear the words of Kateryn, Royal Patroness of the Arts & Edmund our King. It is our pleasure to recognize the skill & art of cookery displayed by our subject Gwenllian Tarianlas & wish for her to be known as a companion of our noble Order of the Willow. We grant her the right to bear the badge: Purpure, a willow tree eradicated Or, without let or hindrance from any person. Done this 28th day of January, Anno Societatis XLI (51) in our Barony of the Cleftlands.
In reality, the illuminated initial is an A, but I choose to see it as a pi (π) symbol... thus
π-teous or
pi-teous and the other pie nods throughout the scroll. #sowitty
Finished work. |
Inspiration piece. |