The Order of the Silver Oak is an award given by the crown to those who have shown proficiency in the sciences or research. The recipients are known by their badge blazoned: Purpure, an oak tree blasted eradicated argent, fructed Or. This award is equal to the awards: Order of the Willow.
- Direct Link: Die Hausbucher, Landauer I
- Title: Amb. 279.2 ° Folio 69 verso (Landauer I), Wood Manufacturing
- Origin: Nuremberg Twelve Brothers
The Order of the Silver Oak was created on pergamenata with Windsor-Newton gouache and Speedball calligraphy ink using a C3 nib. The text reads as follows:
German: Lasset alle Anwesenden wissen, dass sowohl Arabella, königliche Schutzherrin der Wissenschaft und der künste, als auch Ragnvaldr, König des Reiches der Mitte, die Fertigkeiten und das Engagement von Meinhard Hammerschmidt für die Wiederbelebung der Gilde der Holzarbeiter in den Cleftlands und die Eröffnung seiner Holzwerkstatt anerkennen. Ebenfalls gewürdigit wird, dass er andere zu dieser Kunst ermutigt und seine jahrelange Erfahrung mit ihnen teilt. Von nun an soll er als Mitglied unseres Ordens der Silbernen Eiche angesehen werden. Wir erweisen ihm die Ehre das purpurfarbene Abzeichen der Strahlenden Eiche in reinem weiß mit goldenen Eicheln rechtmäßig und ohne Einschränkung durch andere zu tragen. Dies wurde durch uns beschlossen am sechsten Tage des Juni während der Nordeichen-Kreigszüge in unserer Grafschaft der Falkensteingrube.
English: Let all present know that Arabella, Royal Patroness of the Sciences and Ragnvaldr, King of the Middle Kingdom wish to acknowledge the skills and dedication of Meinhard Hammerschmidt for rekindling the Guild of Woodworkers in the Cleftlands and for opening his woodshop to encourage and share his years of artistic experience with others. Henceforth, he shall be known as a Companion of our Order of the Silver Oak. We bestow upon him the right to bear the badge: Purpure, an oak tree blasted eradicated argent, fructed Or without let or hindrance from any person. Done by our hands this 6th day of June at Northern Oaken War Maneuvers in our Shire of Falcon's Quarry.
When I received this award assignment, I was particularly happy about it since Meinhard is
bessere Hälfte. ;) I reached out to a co-worker in the Vienna office and asked him to translate the scroll text since Meinhard's persona is German. After a few back and forth emails and a consult with the co-workers daughter who spoke a little better English, we came up with a good approximate translation of the somewhat archaic flowery scroll text. How does one work on a scroll with a S.O. in the home? You knock the scroll out while they're at work when you work from home for a day, of course. ;)
Finished work. |
Inspiration piece. |