October 17, 2013

Love is Strange

The Goddess and her cronies.
In 2011, Ginevra and I traveled to the wilds of Tirnewydd in Columbus to attend the Known World Dance Symposium where we had a fantastic time dancing, singing, and acting. Ginevra was a principle player in then The Honorable Lady, now Mistress, Felice’s production of The Masque at Coleorton and I had a small part in the production which forced me to learn, without hesitation, War Bransle. But enough of that, the masque deserve(s/d) a post of its’ own when it was more fresh in my mind.

At any rate, one of the classes that we took was an intensive course of Negri’s Bizzaria d’Amore. We had a fun dance set – Lelija from AEthelmearc, a friend we had met at Northern Oaken War Maneuvers during a dance class, and Jlona from Cynnabar. (Yay, new friends!) We made our way through the exhausting class (it was late in the day) and even had our own special version of one of the steps to help our tired-selves through it at the ball that night. Lelija’s lord, Sionn the Lost, was kind enough to document it for us during the evening’s ball.

As it has been about two years since I took the class, my knowledge of the Bizzaria has, at best, faded. Whenever I am feeling especially motivated I say I will learn the dance and teach it! (TEACH ALL THE VERSES!) So I will say it publicly – I will re-learn Bizzaria. I will teach it. When? Not sure exactly, but perhaps Pennsic if I can get a good format down.

There. Fancy-pants dance-gauntlet thrown.
