The Order of the Cavendish Knot is an award given by the crown for those who have excelled in the rapier arts. The recipients are known by the badge blazoned: Four Cavendish knots conjoined in cross vert. This award is similar in rank to the: Award of the Dragon's Tooth and Orders of the Dragon's Barb, White Chamfron and Red Company, and is also armigerous.
The Order of the Cavendish Knot was created on pergamenata with Windsor-Newton gouache and Speedball calligraphy inks using a few different nibs. The text reads as follows:
Hear the words of the sovereigns of the Midrealm, Tsar Nikolai and Tsarina Serena. It is their wish to recognize their loyal subject Jao Veludo Alfonso d'Albuquerque for his joyful expertise on the rapier field and for the teaching of others. They commend him and are pleased to make him a member of their Order of the Cavendish Knot with all rights and responsibilities attendant upon this rank and the right to bear the badge: Four Cavendish Knots conjoined in cross vert. Done by their hands this 27th day of February Anno Societatis 50 at the Regular Event in their Barony of the Cleftlands.
Author's Note: I have mixed feelings about this scroll. I was very happy with the assignment, particularly because it was an honor to create the scroll for a fellow I may have asked to marshal the Regular Event. ;) That said, the learning experience here is... proof your work before you finish your work. There are two complete versions of this scroll, one that will see the light of day, another that has a few glaring grammar errors. I'm actually a little embarrassed that I didn't catch it a lot earlier than writing out the printed heralds copy for the back of the scroll. Know your limits and which balls to juggle while you're juggling. (And don't necessarily ask for a fourth, fifth, or sixth to add to the mix.)
Finished work. |
Inspiration piece. |
Inspiration piece. |
The final product is a combination of these two pages from the Book on the Art of Fighting and Swords (in English). I took the illuminated H and inverted it for spacing reasons, then added the two fencers and the Cavendish Knot at the bottom. I leveled out the blades they may be used as a signature guide for Their Majesties.